
Reactions by Jiří Laburda. Reacciones de Jiří Laburda.


Jiří Laburda, composer of the Sonata for clarinet and piano - featured in the Luis Slabý and José María Brusco new cd -, sent us an e mail in which he expressed his joy and delightment for the recording.

Jiří Laburda, compositor de la Sonata para clarinete y piano - disponible en el nuevo cd fr Luis Slabý y José María Brusco -, nos envió un e mail en el que expresó su alegría y regocijo por la grabación.


Tak jsme se opět sešli - tentokrát pouze s Tvým synem Santiagem a on mi předal Tvůj krásný dárek - CD, na kterém je nahrána moje SONATA PRO KLARINELT A KLAVÍR.
Velmi, velmi Ti za nahrávku děkuji. Je to pro mne veliká věc - nahrávka v zemi, která je pro mne nadmíru vzdálená a i hodně tajemná - svou neznámostí. Prostě je to pro mne argentinská CD - premiéra!!

Nahrávka CD se mi velice líbí. Zejména Sonatina Bohuslava Martinů je krásná. Sonatina Flosmanova je také suverénní dílo (skladatele jsem neměl moc rád, neboť byl komunista, hodně aktivní po okupaci naší země Sověty v r. 1968)). Ovšem nesmírně krásně mne překvapila Sonata Carlose Guastavino! Hudba "in great romantic style", it is really great music and you and Mr. Brusco are playing it really great too! But not only the last work, but all the program you are playing excellent - my Sonata too and especially it I like very, very much. It seems, your performance has very ripened during those last years and now it is fully perfect. I like very much also your ensemble playing with Mr. Brusco - it seems, you found the very good piano-partner, who is able to follow you on the very high level. Sincere congratulations to you and to Mr. Brusco too!!
The further congratulations have to follow also on the adress of Laburda, because he gained such masterlike performers of his music and their masterlike CD-recording!! Thanks, thanks, thanks. I am very proud of this CD!
Also sincere thanks for the attention, you dedicated me in the booklet - also with the photos!!
A nyní opět trochu česky: Doufám, že se Tobě i Tvé rodině daří dobře. Já žiji přiměřeně mému věku - 75 roků! Mé zdraví je dosud O.K. a také stále komponuji a hudba mi dělá velkou radost.
Tobě, Tvé rodině a také panu José Maria Brusco přání jen všeho dobrého, velké díky a mnohé pozdravy!
Moc srdečně

Jiří Laburda.


Later, in a further e mail, he declared:

Luego, en un e mail posterior, declaró:


The more often I am listening your excellent CD the more I like it and more proud I feel me, that my music is on it too.

Mientras más frecuentemente escucho su excelente CD, mayor es mi disfrute y mi orgullo, de que allí también está mi música.




www.musica.cz REVIEWED


Luis Slabý - New CD with Compositions for Clarinet by Czech Composers of the 20th Century
Argentine clarinettist of Czech origin Luis Slabý recorded on his latest CD three representative compositions by Czech 20th century composers, including the living contemporary author Jiri Laburda (Sonata for Clarinet and Piano). In addition, the CD contains an excellent Clarinet Sonata by Bohuslav Martinu, Forest Robbers' Sonatina by Oldrich Flosmann, and the work by Argentine composer Carlos Guastavino (Sonata para clarinete y piano). The pianist José María Brusco - who is a long-standing and experienced player specializing in chamber musich - has his fair share of this CD's sucess.


LUIS SLABÝ (clarinet) - JOSÉ MARÍA BRUSCO (piano)
Este disco quizá tenga que ver con el largo viaje emprendido por mis padres desde la República Checa hasta la Argentina. Raíces, sentimientos; retomar y retornar.
Maybe this record is somehow related with that long trip undertaken my parents from Czech Republic to Argentina. Roots, feelings; get back and return.

- Luis Slabý